Monday, July 20, 2009

Writing in slices; telling stories

The thesis I am undertaking on change is multivocal and I experience as writer an unusual sense of chronology. Those involved are not often aware of the small or large things that have large or small import, and their recalled experience of the history involved seems to be one of associations rather than of any clear chronological path where this led to that.
My storytelling of change is therefore be told in slices.

Today I discovered Penguin books, We tell stories at
John Buchan's 39 steps is retold with apologies, as 21 steps by C Cummings using google maps, the Haunted dolls house is converted to a series of stories told through blogs and social networking sites as Slice.

Even taking these steps, I'm aware of my own path from there to here,spanning a mere 90 mins that it is hard to trace....I'm pretty sure I was checking my emails and opened OlDaily by Stephen Downes, tripped over a link to quangos to help visualise complex data where within graphs on reality and there in the comments in one small section was a link to we tell stories. Change happens in happenstance ways...

happenstance |ˈhapənˌstans|
coincidence : it was just happenstance that I happened to be there | an untoward happenstance for Trudy.
ORIGIN late 19th cent.: blend of happen and circumstance .

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