Monday, April 13, 2009

specifics as species creation

Nick Bingham lost me a bit when discussing specificity to do with creating species. He was talking GM and non GM so species creation is central to his thinking. But i took him to be taking this broadly and think he was eluding to the production of species as an outcome of specificity. Taking this a step further and exploring spatial identities; identities as produced within specific spaces/places was provoked by reading a book review by Cristina Ros i Solé of Discourse and identity, by Bethan Benwell and Elisabeth Stokoe (2006). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

This book discusses spatial identities, both as they are produced and as they are located in discourse. In undertaking this, the authors identify a ‘spatial turn’ in discourse, one which regards space as dynamically produced and as part and parcel
of social processes. They argue that ‘physical space is not an objective, neutral phenomenon but is inescapably socially constructed by human agents and their semiotic practices’(p. 208). What I find of value here, is not the discourse as much as the descriptions; identity being produced as a function of where we are, have been and/or are going. That spaces do not contain people but create them.

- a very ANT way of thinking.

1 comment:

  1. and one that becomes increasingly important if we pay regard to the spaces we push people into, schools for example.
