Monday, November 20, 2006

the missing work that makes things look magical

I have been *waiting* on some divine intervention that will produce the ethics application, i suspect its called work. I have chased white rabbits down a blog hole, but am forced to concede a doctorate doesnt materialise without being attended to. In following the white rabbit I was reacquainted with Susan Leigh Star (such a great name for someone who uncovers magic) and am reminded to be discerning and unwrap the hidden work.
I have been enjoying the clouds that sparkle in tenuous connection one to another; a quality of magic that's enticing, and consuming and i fear distracting. Some glamours of magic nestled in cyberspace- I loved reading Beth Kanters link capturing the ephemeral ... applications of links to buddhist digital prayer wheels, not to mention discovering my supposed true religious path... and email conversations with the toothfairy citing the softer side of social media at a.fine blog
But there is no trajectory that keeps a thesis on track when I am off chasing rainbows or scatterings of clouds or ephemeral beings, gods and or goddesses.
Back to 'real'; For my ethics application what is the possible good, as well as permutations of harm, in a research study of how people conceive of and act on change when using txt and e-counselling.
Some strategic use of will might be useful here (calling on some distant psychosynthesis training). If I name my intent here, maybe i can invoke it into being... daily blogging on a theme, ethics application * watch this space*


  1. Hi, I am returning your visit to my blog, what made me very happy. You have here a very simpathetic blog as well, and I hope becoming one of yours constant readers. Thank you!

  2. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Glad you have a sense of humor!

  3. Thanks Beth and rcesar and my profuse apologies for only just responding; it has taken me this long to discover my blogsite had hidden your comments (might be me, naively, but I'd rather blame the machine)!
